Cap Crest Sauvignon Blanc 克萊斯岬蘇維濃白葡萄酒 2022
Cape Crest Sauvignon Blanc 2022
"酒莊史上評分最高年份"~~~Wine Advocate 評分 : 95+~~~
品種:87%Sauvignon Blanc、9%Semillon、4%Sauvignon Gris
產地:Hawkes Bay-New Zealand(紐西蘭老鷹灣產區 )
介紹:Cape Crest位在老鷹灣的南方,是塘鵝在全世界最大的聚居地。葡萄的採收季是從3月中旬到月底之間。先將葡萄放置225公升的大桶中發酵後再放入老法國橡木桶中7個月成熟,最後在裝瓶前過濾沉澱物,於12月完成裝瓶。
酒質說明: 其色澤為祖母綠帶有黃金光澤,口感與嗅覺具有柑橘風味、百香果和洋梨,以及因存放於橡木桶所帶來的煙燻味。使其成為一款有豐富結構並帶有餘韻的葡萄酒。
Wine Advocate 評分 : 95+ 適飲期 : 2023-2037
The 2022 Cape Crest Sauvignon Blanc is composed of 88% Sauvignon Blanc, 7% Sauvignon Gris and 5% Semillon and is sealed under screw cap; the shift occurred in 2020 after 16 years of trial work on closures in the winery. On the nose, in its inchoate youth here, we see layers of lemongrass, tatami mat, white pineapple husk, green apple skins, white pepper, alyssum and star anise. In the mouth, the wine is balanced and harmonious already—this is crucial for us to understand how it could be such a composed wine in the future. Gorgeous expression. 13.3% alcohol, pH is 3.3, with seven grams per liter total acidity.--- 摘自 Wine Advocate